Milk Boosting Mini Course

Are you over-thinking? Or do you really have low milk supply? Find out before you start.

Milk Boosting Mini Course

This free mini course contains the first 2 modules from Milk Boosting Masterclass, designed to help moms understand milk production and causes of low milk supply, so that they can work on a proper milk boosting plan.

Unlimited Access

Sign up once, and you can access to the contents anytime, anywhere. So you do not need to worry about forgetting anything!


There are both video and audio version contents included in the course. You can learn by either watching or listening.


No filler or fluff, not wasting your time. All contents are presented straight to the point for you to learn in short time.


Breastfeeding knowledge taught in this course are based on scientific facts, derived from IBCLC level training materials.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is for : 1. Moms who doubted their milk supply. 2. Tempted to take Milk Supply Masterclass but hesitated to sign up. 3. Had low milk supply issues before and wanted to prepare for the next baby.

How To Ask Questions?

If your questions are figurative, you are welcome to leave a message in the course topic comments section; if your question are actual breastfeeding problems you are CURRENTLY facing, please make an appointment with Lily and ask questions directly.

This course will help you solve these problems:

This course will help you understand: how do you know your milk supply is considered as ENOUGH.

Not giving you false hope. You’ll learn about your success rate according to your situation.

You’ll learn about how far your breasts/body condition will affect milk supply, and even if your breasts are failing you, what are the things you can do to increase milk supply.

If you never had milk supply issues, but it dropped suddenly, maybe you do not need to sign up for the paid course at all! This free mini course explores some of the common reasons of milk supply drop.

Tempted to sign up but hesitating? Take this free mini course, and you might find your answer. Perhaps this free course is enough for you to find a direction; or perhaps you will find out that you really need guidance. It’s free, give it a try.



104-00 Stepping Into the Milk Boosting Journey

  • 104-00a How Would You Rate My Milk Volume?
  • 104-00B Is It Too Late for Me to Boost My Milk Supply?
  • 104-00c Increasing Milk Supply – The Key to Success
  • 104-00d So… I Made This Up To Help Us All
  • 104-00 Please watch these Pumping Masterclass videos before moving on


104-01 Low Milk Supply – Overview

  • 104-01a The Milk Supply Equation
  • 104-01B Maybe It’s My Body?
  • 104-01c The Milk Supply Killer
  • 104-01d Is This Insufficient Milk Supply? Or Is It…?
  • 104-01e Sudden Decrease in Milk Supply
  • 104-01F Where Do I Start?